Data Structure and Algorithms Tutorial

best Data Structure and Algorithms assignment help

Data Structure and Algorithms Tutorial

Programming Assignment Help

Data Structures are the programmatic method of storing data in order for it to be used efficiently. Almost every enterprise application makes use of various types of data structures in some way. This tutorial will provide you with a solid understanding of Data Structures, which is required to comprehend the complexity of enterprise level applications and the need for algorithms and data structures.


Why Study Data Structures And Algorithms?


There are three common problems that applications face nowadays as they become more complex and data-rich.

Consider a store that has a 1 million(106) item inventory. If the application is to search for an item, it must search through 1 million(106) items each time, which slows down the search. Search will become slower as data grows.

Although the processor speed is very high, it is limited when the data grows to billion records.

Multiple requests Because thousands of users can search data on a web server at the same time, even the fastest server can fail while searching the data.

Data structures come to the rescue in solving the aforementioned issues. Data can be organised in a data structure so that not all items must be searched, and the required data can be found almost instantly.


Data Structure and Algorithm Applications


An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure that defines a set of instructions that must be executed in a specific order to produce the desired result. Algorithms are generally developed independently of underlying languages, which means that an algorithm can be implemented in more than one programming language.

The following are some important categories of algorithms in terms of data structure:

Search − Algorithm to search an item in a data structure.

Update − Algorithm to update an existing item in a data structure.

Delete − Algorithm to delete an existing item from a data structure.

Sort − Algorithm to sort items in a certain order.

Insert − Algorithm to insert item in a data structure.


Data Structures Can Be Used To Solve The Following Computer Problems:

Fibonacci number series

Shortest path by Dijkstra

Project scheduling

Knapsack problem

Tower of Hanoi

All pair shortest path by Floyd-Warshall


This tutorial is intended for Computer Science graduates and Software Professionals who want to learn data structures and algorithm programming in simple and straightforward steps.

After completing this tutorial, you will have reached the intermediate level of expertise, from which you can advance to the higher level of expertise.

Before beginning this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of the C programming language, text editors, and programme execution, among other things.

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