02 Dec Extracurricular Activities Benefit Students In Four Ways
The battle between academics and extracurricular activities is a classic dilemma in student life that has persisted for generations. When students reach high school, their parents begin to encourage them to concentrate solely on academics. This transition usually occurs when a student reaches the tenth grade. Traditionally, parents and students begin to believe that high school requires more academic focus, and thus extracurricular activities take a back seat. However, most people overlook the value that extracurricular activities bring in terms of improved grades and performance. We will highlight the top five ways that such activities can help students perform better.
1. Allow Access To New Networks.
Extracurricular activities help students develop social skills, which is one of the first ways they benefit them. When students indulge in such activities, they meet new people and expand their network. This allows them to communicate more effectively with others. Furthermore, social skills allow students to broaden their circle and benefit from new networks. Students’ new friends from various activities bring with them a plethora of skills that they can exchange and enrich themselves with. This allows them to gain a new perspective and viewpoint on things that they might not have otherwise if they only focused on academics
2. Innovative Ways To Unwind.
The second advantage of extracurricular activities for students is that they provide a distraction from the monotonous academic routine. While such activities allow students to de-stress and relax, they are also a productive way to do so. Students can learn while having fun by participating in extracurricular activities. Such activities ensure that you get the best of both worlds. It enables students to acquire new skills in a fun and enjoyable manner.
3. Make Yourself Stand Out From The Crowd.
If you believe that only grades make a resume appealing, you are mistaken. Without a doubt, good grades make a good first impression. They do not, however, provide a complete picture. This implies that extracurricular activities have a significant impact on a person’s resume and profile. If you have actively participated in such an activity, you will most likely stand out from the crowd. Furthermore, these activities generally assist students in developing skills such as teamwork and work ethics. Such skill sets are often highly valued by almost all organisations, and having them on your resume will undoubtedly give you an advantage over the competition.
4. A Path To Higher Grades
The final requirement for students is that extracurricular activities have a direct impact on grades and academic performance. Students who participate in these activities are more likely to develop competencies that will help them plan and implement more effectively. This implies that students who have had similar experiences are better at time management and prioritisation. They learn skills that will help them get better grades as they juggle academics and extracurricular activities. Furthermore, such activities provide them with hands-on experience with what they learn in theory in their classrooms. Such experience enables them to perform better not only in their exams but also in everyday life.
To make a long story short, if you are ever accused of wasting time by participating in extracurricular activities, take a stand and explain to others how such activities will ultimately benefit you in the long run.
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